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[ Event Listings ]     [ Background ]      [ Please pray for lighthouse ]      [ Promotion ]       [ Contact Us ]     [ Links ]

Please Pray for Lighthouse
For the Planning Team
Please pray for Unity, Wisdom, God's Guidance and Protection.
For the lighthouse Event Please pray that God would prepare the hearts of the people who will attend the event.


Promotion - We can use your help to spread the word about lighthouse
Posters & Flyers Please post our promotional flyers on church bulletin boards, or another appropriate place in your community- Christian bookstore, Christian workplace, or other Christian events. 
Please get permission from the location you want to promote lighthouse at before posting.
Contact us at to get copies of our flyers and posters.
Announcements & E-mail Please ask your pastor to announce lighthouse during a worship service. Or put a notice in your church bulletin.

We'll offer a sample blurb to use.

It will give the date and place of the lighthouse meeting, and offer this blurb on the purpose of lighthouse.

Lighthouse is a prayer and worship event that  aims to build unity in the body of Christ in Toronto (John 17). It is hoped that lighthouse will be used for revival in Toronto. (2 Chronicles 7:14). Please join with Christians around the city as we worship together, hear testimony and pray for ourselves and our city.

In addition, send a note around to your friends reminding them of the event. 
We need your help to get the word out!

We know that many of you do help out with promotion. Thank you for your efforts.

Volunteer Please contact us if you want to help. Please contact us.


Make a Donation If you'd like to donate, there will be an opportunity at each event to help pay the expenses of running lighthouse events. Or contact us.