2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name,
will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

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Efforts to develop future lighthouse events are ongoing.
Dec poster

sample poster - more inside

Lighthouse is Worship and Prayer!

Lighthouse events aim to build unity in the body of Christ in Toronto (John 17). It is hoped that lighthouse will be used for revival in Toronto. (2 Chronicles 7:14). By highlighting active ministries in Toronto, we learn some of what God is doing in our city. 

When the next event is announced, please join with Christians around the city to worship together, hear testimony and pray for ourselves and our city.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Would you like to help?  Probably the biggest need lighthouse has is for Christians to pray for lighthouse and for the organizers.




This description is about Lighthouse Toronto.

LighthouseToronto brings Christians together to worship Jesus.

It serves to bring unity to believers in downtown urban city of Toronto.

Light house Toronto is a Christian prayer and worship event in the GTA.

The web address is www.lighthousetoronto.com.

Steve Bessada is the coordinator of the leadership team.

Worship and praise is usually lead by the Penny Merchants, and the leader of the Pennymerchants is Mike Janzen.

Each lighthouse event is the result of the work of many volunteers.